OVER 40s


Online Coaching Programme



We know we need to strength train at menopause, but why do we put it off?

It’s simply because we don’t have the time or energy, which is why my programme starts by increasing your energy levels first, then adding in short, effective workouts, because the most important thing is to just get started, and starting small still gets great results!



Lack of energy is often down to diet, which also leads to cravings and constant hunger.

The first priority is to make simple but highly effective changes to your diet to stabilise your energy. You’ll notice the difference in a day or two and it’s a complete game-changer. You’ll feel less hungry, have fewer cravings and may even sleep better. Having more energy means you get more done and find it easier to fit workouts into your week.



Stabilising your energy and getting cravings and hunger under control means you naturally eat less.

This means you are likely to lose weight without feeling deprived, hungry, plus there’s no calorie counting, tiny portions, or guilt.



Plate of colourful vegetables and pulses with flatbread.

Menopause and low motivation go hand in hand and is the enemy of successful change.

If you’re working hard on your goals, you need to experience benefits quickly to stay motivated. This programme gives you easy wins for quick results to keep your motivation high.



Life will always get in the way and knock us off our stride. When the sh*t hits the fan, this is when we often give up, because it just feels too hard.

To break that cycle, I teach you how to roll with the punches and follow an approach that still works when we are at our busiest and most stressed.



Knowing what to eat and how to workout is the easy part.

The hardest part is doing it day-in-day-out. This is an incredibly stressful time of life, and we often fail when we try to go it alone. Accountability is the secret to success and why when you work with me, you’ll finally get results.


Book a Discovery Call Today

I know how hard it is to try and eat healthier and fit exercise in, when your energy is all over the place, when life is stressful and sadly, when no-one else seems to care whether you take care of yourself or not.

Yet this is a time of our lives when we know we need to get serious about our health and fitness. After spending decades taking care of others and prioritising their needs, its time to prioritise your health, fitness and well-being. I believe that when we can’t make time for ourself, our mood and even our happiness suffers.

So if you’ve decided this is your time, and you want the support and accountability from someone who’s been there and knows what you’re going through, book a discovery call with me know. This gives us the chance to get to know each other, and for you to reflect on your goals and ultimately decide if I’m the best person to help you get where you want to be.


In February 2020 I got fired from my job for asking for support when my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Then Covid hit and we went in to Lockdown. I was 48, chronically stressed, and scared for my future. I really thought I was on the scrapheap.

At rock bottom, the one thing I realised was that my physical and mental health was everything, but i was struggling with anxiety, food cravings and persistent niggles that stopped me exercising. (I now know it was Perimenopause!)

Unable to find anyone who understood how I was feeling or could help me, I retrained as a personal trainer to find the answers myself. Once lockdown ended I quickly got booked up with clients, who like myself, were struggling with a body which they didn’t understand any more.

As clients shared their stories, I noticed a pattern emerging. Hormones weren’t the biggest problem, instead it was a potent combination of traditional female roles, people pleasing tendencies, and crazy workloads that squeezed us out of our own lives.

We didn’t just lack time, we’d forgotten how to take care of ourselves, and found it almost impossible to make our health a priority again.

Discovering this lead me to write my book, Why Women Over 40 Can’t Lose Weight. I felt passionate about telling women they weren’t to blame and showing them how our complex lives are the real reason we struggle to take proper care of our health, fitness and well-being.

My online coaching builds on this, to offer one to one support to peri and pos-menopausal women who want to create a healthier relationship with food, supercharge their energy and create a long-term exercise habit.

Interested in my coaching programme?