Terms & Conditions

Personal Training. Payment is required in full before the first session takes place. Payment can be made via bank transfer or as a card payment. Payments are made for 4 or 8 training sessions which must be taken within 5 weeks.

Cancellation or moving sessions. Clients are required to give 24 hours notice before cancelling or moving a scheduled training session. Alternative dates will be provided to ensure that all sessions can be taken within the 5 week period.  Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged in full. No-shows will also be charged.

Once all paid for sessions have been taken, clients can continue to pay for sessions on a rolling monthly basis until they decide otherwise. We kindly ask for one month’s notice to allow us time to advertise and fill the clients space with new clients. Giving us one month’s notice also means we can support you the best way we can to continue your fitness journey once you have completed your sessions.