Why we put on weight in our 40’s
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

Why we put on weight in our 40’s

Find out some of the main reasons we put on weight in our 40s and why weight loss is different after 40, but how you can still achieve it.

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How to lose Weight After 40
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

How to lose Weight After 40

When we think about weight loss, we think about dieting. But that’s only half of the equation. When I work with my clients I have them focus on two different areas: 1. eating 3 nutritious meals a day and 2. Addressing their snacking habits.

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BOOK 2 is on its way!
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

BOOK 2 is on its way!

My new book will help you change your relationship with food for good. When you stop turning to food for comfort you take back control of your life.

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Can’t find the motivation to exercise?
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

Can’t find the motivation to exercise?

Feeling self-conscious about your body and being worried about injury are common reasons that can discourage us from exercise. But we know its good for us, so how to we get over these barriers?

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How to survive January
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

How to survive January

Don’t cut calories in January. Lose the guilt and focus on stabilising your energy levels and reducing cravings. Drop weight simply by eating three nutritious meals a day, with each one including a source of protein. Learn more in this article.

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Christmas Survival Guide
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

Christmas Survival Guide

Feeling the pressure to eat and drink too much at Christmas? Get the guide on how to do Christmas on your terms and use the break to restore you instead.

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Falling out of love with alcohol
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

Falling out of love with alcohol

Talking about moderating and giving up alcohol with life coach Sam Parkinson: Why alcohol affects us differently as we age, why giving up drinking is so daunting and how to go alcohol-free if your partner doesn’t.

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How to beat Cravings
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

How to beat Cravings

In this video I talk about the causes of cravings; not eating enough protein, not eating enough for your main meals, habit, menopause and too much stress/hard work in your life and not enough pleasure/reward. Importantly, I’ll also give you some simple tips for how to beat cravings for good.

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Body positivity after 40
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

Body positivity after 40

If you are on a diet does that mean you don’t like your body? If you want to practice body positivity does that mean you can’t diet and have to eat whatever you feel like? In this video I talk about how important it is to change the way you think about food and stop thinking about bloody calories all the time, and why the best place to start is by caring for your appearance. Plus, I tell the story of the voluptuous woman in a polka dot tutu dress who captivated an entire restaurant with her mesmerising confidence and how she changed how I defined attractive.

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Abdominal fat, stress & menopause
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

Abdominal fat, stress & menopause

Women who want to lose weight are always interested in how many calories they should be eating, or how much exercise they need to do. Yet when I ask them how stressed they are, they lose interest, yet we gain weight for two reasons. Calories and hormones. Hormones dictate whether we lose weight or not and where we store it. Life becomes more stressful as we age and hit menopause, so we can't afford to ignore it. In this video I explain how stress and menopause increase abdominal fat and explore why are we so resistant to tackling stress. Finally, I'll give you some effective tactics to reduce and balance out the negative effects of stress

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Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare


Women lose motivation in their 40s, making it harder to resist unhealthy food, even when they desperately want to eat a healthier diet. Motivation and pleasure are linked. Women have a hard time in their late 40s and 50s and it's very easy for treats to become their main source of pleasure. If you feel stuck and reliant on snacks to get you through the day, then this video is for you. It's time to rediscover what makes you happy, and reconnect with yourself in the process.

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Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare


As much as 75% of what we think is useless. Filling your mind with stress-inducing thoughts leads to overwhelm and burnout. So if you feel like you are stuck in your own mind, and can't make the changes in your life you want to, then you'll benefit from learning how to turn down the incessant chatter of an overactive brain. In this video I take you through 3 steps to calm your mind and explain how food cravings are linked to an overactive brain, and how learning to control mental chatter can help you learn how to incorporate occasional treats into your diet in a healthy way

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Why Weight loss is the Wrong goal
Gabrielle O'Hare Gabrielle O'Hare

Why Weight loss is the Wrong goal

Most women I train tell me they want to lose weight, but most don't manage it. Because deep down, they're not motivated by that as a goal. For years I dieted to slim down my hated legs, but it didn't work. Diets made me obsess about them even more, and despite my hard work, they never seemed to change, and I'd go back to bingeing again to comfort myself. It wasn't until I found something truly important to me that I discovered the motivation to eat better and work out consistently. Watch the video to hear my story and to find out how to uncover something powerful that you really care about, and use that as motivation to create a healthier lifestyle.

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